Church & Technology

Reaching People in Tumultuous Times

People today are lost & suffering. We must be proactive in sharing our faith, knowing that eternity hangs in the balance. Learn how to reach people with this free resource from Pastor Marc Estes.

In these tumultuous times, marked by uncertainty, fear, and rapid change, the human heart is more desperate than ever for answers. People are grappling with profound questions about life, purpose, and meaning. The COVID-19 pandemic shook the foundations of our lives, leading many to reevaluate what truly matters.

Fear and anxiety are rampant today as people face economic instability, political unrest, and social upheaval. In the midst of these challenges, moral values are often questioned or even set aside, leading to a sense of moral decline in society.

Yet, despite this turmoil, there is a glimmer of hope. Surveys, including one conducted by Barna, indicate that a significant majority of people are more open to spiritual matters than ever before. This openness presents a unique opportunity for us as Christians to share the life-transforming message of the Gospel.

As followers of Christ, we are called to be salt and light in the world (Matthew 5:13-16). We are called to share the hope that we have in Christ—to offer a message of peace, love, and redemption to a world in desperate need.

This is our time to reach people in need. This is our time to be bold in our proclamation of the Good News. As Jesus said, we cannot miss the day of our visitation (Luke 19:44). We cannot afford to be complacent or passive. We must be proactive in sharing our faith, knowing that eternity hangs in the balance. 

This is a time to REACH… it is a time to GO!

Free REACH Seminar ebook

REACH: A Synonym for "GO"

The word "REACH" is synonymous with "GO." It's a word that conveys movement, action, and intentionality toward a desired destination. Jesus' final words to His disciples, known as the Great Commission, are not just a suggestion but a command to "GO!" (Mark 16:15 NLT).

Let's unpack the six dominant thoughts Jesus communicated to His disciples and to us through this command:

  1. GO: As you are going, wherever you happen to be every moment of every day.
  2. INTO: Come out of your comfort, familiarity, and own needs/wants, and go into another place.
  3. ALL THE WORLD: Your neighborhood, schools, workplace, city, nation, and world.
  4. PREACH: Proclaim, tell, verbalize, and share. Not just demonstration but also proclamation.
  5. THE GOOD NEWS: The knowledge that Jesus came to die for sinners and reconcile them to God.
  6. TO EVERYONE: All people, everywhere. Those like you and those not like you.

A Call to Action

I believe this time together is more than just a gathering to share insights; it's a word directly from God for this season. God is burdened for our broken world. He's in a hurry. The signs are clear: we are living in volatile times. Violence, political tensions, global unrest, economic issues, moral decline, and the church under attack. People are uneasy, desperate, perhaps more than in decades!

As Christians, we must discern the times and realize our place in it all. As the world gets darker, we need to get brighter! This doesn't happen naturally; we have to rely on the Holy Spirit and change some behaviors to fulfill one of the primary reasons we exist.

In light of this urgency, I urge you to equip your congregation to share their faith boldly and effectively. The REACH Seminar offered by VisitorReach™ provides practical tools and insights to help you do just that. 

Download the Participants eBook and watch the five-part training series done by Pastor Marc Estes, one of the co-founders of VisitorReach. Let's seize this moment and make a difference for eternity!

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