Church & Technology

Why Traditional Church Outreach is Failing: The 12 Touchpoint Rule

People have become more hesitant to engage with traditional institutions, including churches. This change calls for a fresh approach: one that leverages technology to create multiple touchpoints before individuals even consider stepping into a church. Discover where the 12 Touchpoint Rule comes into play.

In the past few years, church outreach has transformed dramatically. The pandemic accelerated this shift, pushing churches to innovate and find new ways to engage with their communities.

Co-founder Marc Estes joined Thom and Sam Rainer in a special edition of the "Rainer on Leadership" podcast, to discuss the revolutionary concept of digital outreach and how the church can pivot to reach more people in these changing times.

As people spend an increasing amount of time online, they have become more hesitant to engage with traditional institutions, including churches. This change calls for a fresh approach: one that leverages technology to create multiple touchpoints before individuals even consider stepping into a church. This is where the 12 Touchpoint Rule comes into play.

The Pandemic’s Impact on Church Engagement

The pandemic fundamentally changed the way we live, work, and connect. Forced into isolation, people turned to digital spaces to maintain their social and professional lives. Zoom meetings, social media, and online communities became the new norm. 

This digital pivot wasn’t limited to work; it extended to spiritual and emotional support as well.

Churches, historically reliant on physical gatherings, found themselves at a crossroads. The old methods of outreach—flyers, events, and in-person invitations—were no longer effective in a world where people were confined to their homes. This shift highlighted a critical gap: the need for churches to meet people where they are—online.

The Trust Deficit

One of the most significant hurdles modern churches face is a growing distrust of institutions. Yet, recent studies reveal that 7 in 10 U.S. adults describe themselves as spiritual in some way. While people are more spiritually open than ever, they are increasingly hesitant to engage with traditional religious organizations. This paradox is driven by factors such as political and social unrest, and a widespread culture of skepticism toward organized religion.

The 12 Touchpoint Rule

Before the pandemic, it was estimated that individuals required three to five interactions with a church or its members before feeling comfortable enough to attend a service. 

Today, that number has soared to 12 to 15 touchpoints. This increase reflects the need for churches to build trust and demonstrate relevance in a digital world.

Leveraging Technology for Effective Outreach

Churches must embrace technology to create these touchpoints and nurture relationships with potential visitors. This is not about superficial engagement but about meaningful connections that meet people at their point of need. 

For instance, someone struggling with depression might respond to an ad offering prayer or support, leading to a text message conversation that provides comfort and guidance.

Pastor Marc explains that, “What we're finding is that most churches are failing miserably in having a strategy [to create] that many touch points. Here's the key—people want to be met at their point of need, not necessarily based on our perception. 

“People want to know, want us to know that they're hurting, that they're broken, that they're hopeless. And so what we're trying to do at VisitorReach is to meet people where they're at—based on their need—and start this personal one on one conversation with an individual. 

“With them being in their safe space, which is maybe in their living room or bedroom or somewhere on their phone texting, that's the place where they're willing to open up.” 

VisitorReach: Bridging the Gap

VisitorReach is uniquely positioned to help churches navigate this digital landscape. By using advanced technology, VisitorReach can identify individuals in the community who are searching for spiritual support, new connections, or a church home. The platform allows churches to engage with these individuals through custom advertisements, text messaging, and follow-up communications.

How VisitorReach Works

  • Identification: Using technology to pinpoint people looking for spiritual guidance or support.
  • Engagement: Reaching out through ads, messages, and personalized communication.
  • Nurturing: Building a relationship over time, providing consistent support and information.

Churches using VisitorReach start 20–120 new conversations with people in their area each month! These conversations provide ongoing touchpoints, build relationships, and result in people going in person to visit. 

Is Your Church Ready to Level Up Their Outreach?

The traditional methods of church outreach are no longer sufficient in our digital age. To truly connect with their communities, churches must adopt a multi-faceted approach that includes multiple digital touchpoints. By leveraging technology, churches can build trust, demonstrate relevance, and ultimately guide individuals from online interactions to in-person engagement.

Learn how VisitorReach can transform your church’s outreach strategy with custom advertisements, text messaging, and follow-up communications. Visit VisitorReach today and discover how to connect with your community like never before.

VisitorReach is proud to be a strategic partner with Thom Rainer and his team at ChurchAnswers. Watch or listen to the full "Rainer on Leadership" podcast on:

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